
Recently PyTorch team just released functorch where it contains operations for function transformations, just like JAX. One function that I think under-appreciated is functorch.vmap which allows us to evaluate the input function along an additional dimension of the tensor inputs. For example:

import torch, functorch

a, b = torch.random((10, 5)), torch.random((10, 5))
dot2 = functorch.vmap(, in_dims=0, out_dims=0)
print(dot2(a, b).shape)  # (10,)

In the code above, dot2 operates on each row (0-th dimension) of a and b, then stack the outputs on the 0-th dimension. Simply speaking, the vmap-ed function is doing a loop of the operation along the 0-th dimension of the inputs.

Initially, I was also pessimistic about the vmap because most of the time I write my code by incorporating the batch dimensions, so I had no need of using functorch.vmap. However, I just recently found out that functorch.vmap can be very useful in implementing HyperNetworks.


HyperNetwork is a type of deep network architectures that consists of 2 networks: hypernetwork and synthetic network. The first network, hypernetwork, is a neural network that produces the weights of the synthetic network. The weights produced by hypernetwork are then used by the synthetic network to make a prediction. As the weights of the synthetic network are produced by the hypernetwork, they are not trainable. Only the weights of the hypernetwork that are trainable. The illustration of the hypernetwork can be seen in the image below. A very nice talk about HyperNetwork and its applications can be watched here.

Implementing HyperNetwork in functorch

The difficulty in implementing hypernetwork arise when the input to the hypernetwork (i.e. \(x\) in the picture above) is batched. When \(x\) is batched, the parameters for the synthetic network are also batched. With a naive implementation, we can evaluate the synthetic network with for-loop along the batch dimension. However, this can be very slow because it involves Python loop. A better way to implement this is using functorch.vmap.

The input to functorch.vmap is a function, while in PyTorch, we usually define the module as an object. Fortunately, functorch also provides a function functorch.make_functional that converts a PyTorch’s module into a function.

In this implementation, we would like to define a torch.nn.Module that contains those two neural networks (hypernetwork and synthetic network) and in its forward method, it receives x and z as its inputs and produces h(x, z). For simplicity, we assume all of the parameters of the synthetic network can be produced in one forward pass of the hypernetwork.

import torch
import functorch
import numpy as np

class HyperNetwork(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, hypnet: torch.nn.Module, synthnet: torch.nn.Module):
        # hypnet is the network that takes x and produces the parameters of synthnet
        # synthnet is the network that takes z and produces h
        s_func, s_params0 = functorch.make_functional(synthnet)

        # store the information about the parameters
        self._sp_shapes = [sp.shape for sp in s_params0]
        self._sp_offsets = [0] + np.cumsum([sp.numel() for sp in s_params0])

        # make the synthnet_func to accept batched parameters
        synthnet_func = functorch.vmap(synthnet_func)
        # a workaround of functorch's bug #793
        self._synthnet_batched_func = [synthnet_func]
        self._hypnet = hypnet

    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, z: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        # x: (batch_size, nx), z: (batch_size, nz)
        params = self._hypnet(x)  # params: (batch_size, nparams_tot)

        # rearrange params to have the same shape as the synthnet params, except on the batch dimension
        params_lst = []
        for i, shape in enumerate(self._sp_shapes):
            j0, j1 = self._sp_offset[i], self._sp_offset[i + 1]
            params_lst.append(params[..., j0:j1].reshape(-1, *shape))

        # apply the function to the batched parameters and z
        h = self._synthnet_batched_func(params_lst, z)
        return h

Let’s investigate it line-by-line in the initialization of the module. First, the line

s_func, s_params0 = functorch.make_functional(synthnet)

decomposes the synthetic network module into its function form, s_func, and its parameters, s_params0, as a list of tensors. Next, the lines

# store the information about the parameters
self._sp_shapes = [sp.shape for sp in s_params0]
self._sp_offsets = [0] + np.cumsum([sp.numel() for sp in s_params0])

store information about the synthetic network parameters (s_params0). Specifically, we save the shape of each parameter and the cumulative sums of the number of elements of the parameters in self._sp_offset. If all of the parameters are lined up, the i-th parameter can be accessed in the index [self._sp_offset[i]:self._sp_offset[i + 1]].

After we’re done with the synthetic network parameters, we do the processing of the function form next.

# make the synthnet_func to accept batched parameters
synthnet_func = functorch.vmap(synthnet_func)

The line above makes the synthnet_func able to receive batched parameters by applying vmap to the function form of the synthetic network. This is the most important step as we enable the synthetic network to process the parameters and the input to the synthetic network in a batched manner. Then, the next lines

# a workaround of functorch's bug #793
self._synthnet_batched_func = [synthnet_func]
self._hypnet = hypnet

save the function form of synthetic network and the hypernetwork module. An interesting point to make is, by the time of writing (09 June 2022), we need to encapsulate the functional form of synthetic network to prevent it being registered as a submodule in torch.nn.Module. Otherwise, it could raise an error if we’re trying to move the parameters of the module to another device. The details about this issue can be read here.

In the forward method, the hypernetwork generates the parameters of synthetic networks in the line

params = self._hypnet(x)  # params: (batch_size, nparams_tot)

The params variable is a tensor that lines up all synthetic network parameters in its last axis. As all of the parameters of the synthetic network is collected in one tensor, we need to split it up. The lines

# rearrange params to have the same shape as the synthnet params, except on the batch dimension
params_lst = []
for i, shape in enumerate(self._sp_shapes):
    j0, j1 = self._sp_offset[i], self._sp_offset[i + 1]
    params_lst.append(params[..., j0:j1].reshape(-1, *shape))

re-arrange the params into a list of parameters like in self._sp_shapes, but with additional batch dimension in the 0-th dimension. After it’s being re-arranged, we can just put the list of batched parameters into the synthetic network function form in the line below as well as the input to the synthetic network, z.

h = self._synthnet_batched_func(params_lst, z)
return h

After defining the class above, there is just one problem left: defining the hypernetwork and synthetic network. The architecture of those networks depends on the problem you are trying to solve. For simplicity, we can just define those networks as a simple 2-layer perceptrons as shown below. Let’s assume x is a 3-elements vector, z is a 2-elements vector, and the output h is a 5 elements vector.

synthnet = torch.nn.Sequential(
    torch.nn.Linear(2, 100),  # nz = 2
    torch.nn.Linear(100, 5),  # nh = 5

# compute the total number of parameters in the synthetic network
_, synthnet_params = functorch.make_functional(synthnet)
n_synthnet_params = sum([p.numel() for p in synthnet_params])

hypnet = torch.nn.Sequential(
    torch.nn.Linear(3, 100),  # nx = 3
    torch.nn.Linear(100, n_synthnet_params),
module = HyperNetwork(hypnet, synthnet)

One thing to note is the lines below.

# compute the total number of parameters in the synthetic network
_, synthnet_params = functorch.make_functional(synthnet)
n_synthnet_params = sum([p.numel() for p in synthnet_params])

As the output of hypernetwork is the parameteres of the synthetic network, we need to know how many parameters in total there are in the synthetic network. And the line above is to calculate the total number of parameters in the synthetic network.

Putting them together, we have the code below, in only about 50 lines of code!

import torch
import functorch
import numpy as np

class HyperNetwork(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, hypnet: torch.nn.Module, synthnet: torch.nn.Module):
        # hypnet is the network that takes x and produces the parameters of synthnet
        # synthnet is the network that takes z and produces h
        s_func, s_params0 = functorch.make_functional(synthnet)

        # store the information about the parameters
        self._sp_shapes = [sp.shape for sp in s_params0]
        self._sp_offsets = [0] + np.cumsum([sp.numel() for sp in s_params0])

        # make the synthnet_func to accept batched parameters
        synthnet_func = functorch.vmap(synthnet_func)
        # a workaround of functorch's bug #793
        self._synthnet_batched_func = [synthnet_func]
        self._hypnet = hypnet

    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, z: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        # x: (batch_size, nx), z: (batch_size, nz)
        params = self._hypnet(x)  # params: (batch_size, nparams_tot)

        # rearrange params to have the same shape as the synthnet params, except on the batch dimension
        params_lst = []
        for i, shape in enumerate(self._sp_shapes):
            j0, j1 = self._sp_offset[i], self._sp_offset[i + 1]
            params_lst.append(params[..., j0:j1].reshape(-1, *shape))

        # apply the function to the batched parameters and z
        h = self._synthnet_batched_func(params_lst, z)
        return h

synthnet = torch.nn.Sequential(
    torch.nn.Linear(2, 100),
    torch.nn.Linear(100, 5),

# compute the total number of parameters in the synthetic network
_, synthnet_params = functorch.make_functional(synthnet)
n_synthnet_params = sum([p.numel() for p in synthnet_params])

hypnet = torch.nn.Sequential(
    torch.nn.Linear(3, 100),
    torch.nn.Linear(100, n_synthnet_params),
module = HyperNetwork(hypnet, synthnet)

Closing remark

The implementation above is a simplistic implementation of hypernetwork. You can make it more complicated, for example, having more complicated architectures, or generating the parameters in multiple forward passes as done in this paper. This post is just to show the capability of functorch and how vmap makes it easier to implement hypernetwork.